
Five things you need to consider before becoming a Teacher

Did you ever wonder how some of your friends suddenly decide to take education as a course in college?


Someone, you know suddenly decides to become an educator out of nowhere?

Being a teacher they say is something that is supposed to be innate in your personality. Teachers are either born or created; do not get me wrong. There is nothing wrong if your choose to become an educator; you just need to remember that this role heavily relies on the idea of passion, dedication, and constant learning.

As a teacher myself, and in the eight years I have been in this industry. I do believe that you have to consider these five things before you venture to the path of becoming an educator.

Disclaimer: This is my personal thought, I am not forcing or influencing anyone to follow these details. I am just sharing my thoughts for I believe that being a teacher as a role, profession, and occupation needs a lot of time consideration.

 Let's dive into the five things:

1. Purpose
    A lot of people in this world are looking for a purpose; some of us asked questions like "why am I here?" and "what do I live for?". Teachers provide a sense of purpose, educating young minds is a serious business. We dedicate our life and knowledge to a main particular goal and that is to ensure that the next generation will flourish and contribute to the betterment of society. So if you think, you fit the bill; go for it.

2. Time

    Time is an irrelevant thing for a teacher; it is in our nature to make or open our time for our profession. Sometimes even in our free time or relaxation time we still tend to do "teacher work". To be honest, and I am guilty of doing this. I take home half of my paper works as a teacher to open up more time in preparing for my class the next day. So if your valuable time in a very different way; consider this factor. Teaching does eat up a lot of personal time.

3. Knowledge

    Learning for teachers is constant. We educate young minds but we also educate ourselves daily. All teachers need to study first the lesson before teaching it to their students; you cannot just go to a class not knowing anything. Just like change, learning and expanding our knowledge as an educator is inevitable. Yes! Even if you are already beyond your prime years as a teacher; you still need to study and learn new tricks.

4. Personality

    Prim, proper, and well-mannered. Here are some adjectives associated with being a teacher. I am not saying it cannot be learned; it is just that as an educator we do have a certain persona to uphold. We could not just do whatever we want; teachers are placed on a certain pedestal (you know that is TRUE). We are asked to be careful about how we act, say, or do in front of our students. So I recommend a self-analysis first.

5. Future

    If you are seeking a profitable career in the education field; I do not want to burst your bubble but think twice. Teachers are rich with knowledge, love from our students, and respect. but on the wallet department. I could not speak for other teachers in different countries, but here in my country being a teacher doesn't make you rich. It is a fruitful profession, you get to see your students grow and become professionals, and you can influence people by this profession but that is it. Base on general observation you can harvest your earnings as a teacher once your retire. So maybe consider this factor, especially if you have a family to feed or you are planning to have a family.

I am very glad that I choose to become a teacher. I never regretted choosing this profession, and I think those who are open to the idea of becoming an educator be one. Just make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. No matter how you look at it, being an educator is a noble profession. Always remember you make choices, not making mistakes!