
Enthusiastic Teacher: Ideas In Keeping Students Motivated

    All teachers have their dream of an ideal-typical class, the majority involves where the students are participating in class. An actual intellect learning occurred inside the classroom, but in real-life situations, this often happens. Our students are different types of learners, which causes us to resolve to different means to motivate them to participate and learn.

    Motivation is one major key to a successful learning experience. Teachers should know how to break the ice, break the ice, and keep the ice burning to peak students' interest in learning. In all honesty, this is a difficult thing to do students are motivated in different ways, and keeping them motivated is another struggle out of the motivation spectrum.

Disclaimer: This post is for entertainment purposes only. I am sharing this post to promote reliability in the teaching community and allow educators to know that you are not alone. All of the content of this post is base on my personal experience and research, please do not come for me.

    Here is some classic advice you can practice to keep your student motivated.

1. Set clear learning goals

    If today you set the goal to have a graded recitation; stick with it. Avoid as much as possible changing the things you need to do in the middle of class. Set clear working goals for your students. This will avoid confusion and will promote concentration on the thing that students need to know. Learning should be an innate idea, let your students know the learning goal.

2. Allow students to make choices

    A lot of the time, teachers act on a linear path. We enter the classroom with a goal and set of things planned for our students. There is nothing wrong with that, it just doesn't promote student interaction, confidence, and imagination. Your students regardless of age can make choices and decisions and as teachers, we should encourage this to happen. Allowing them to be responsible by picking choices.

3. Mix-up learning routine

    It is only normal for teachers to set up a daily routine, but not all routinary activity works for everyone. Our students are young and vibrant individuals, they do understand the concept of routine, but it doesn't encourage them to explore if we place them inside a box. It is vital that as their teachers we provide variety, shaking up your routine will not hurt as long the student learns. You can start with a simple, conversion of lecture time to group activity or individual work. Perhaps start their class outside of the classroom.

4. Open up possibilities

    Never ever substitute lecture to experience. Let your students experience learning by opening new possibilities. Transforming your way of question your students, inflict rewards, suggest learning, and promote creativity will help them unlock their potential and their ability for higher other thinking skills and formulate their own decisions.

5. Healthy competition

    Competition is normal anywhere you go, and the same notion is implied inside the classroom. Creating learning and activities that provide critical thinking might also cultivate competition among students that want to excel further. Of course, as teachers, we need to guide our students, competition is necessary for growth and development. As the sayings go, "You win some, and you will lose some". That is real life and exposing our students to that mindset will let them know that they need to work or excel more.

6. Rewards and Affirmation

    Let us not be greedy with our way to promote positivity among our students. All beings love to be praised for the good things they have done, and our students are the same. We should provide rewards and affirmation to our students to promote that they do well in class. Either saying it or giving it, praising someone can make the whole day better. Give your student the satisfaction of knowing that they are doing well.

7. Give students responsibility

    Regardless of age or type, students should be given the responsibility to some degree. One reason students get bored or disassociate themselves from studying is because of the feeling they are not even doing everything that promotes learning and development. So allowing them to be involved in the learning process and details that will make the class complete promotes responsible learning and a good mindset.

8. Teamwork, makes the dream work

    "No man is an island!" & "There is no I in teamwork". With this quote, we should let our students know that some learning abilities can be achieved with teamwork. Working with someone is not for everyone, but allowing ourself to know that this is possible is a chance we give ourselves to open up and learn from our surrounding. Same idea with students' learning; we need to allow them to learn coordination, sharing and expressive with activities or lesson that teamwork is involved.

9. Create a stress and threat-free environment

    The environment is a big factor in learning. We learn by observation and how we surround ourselves with; so imagine your students being in a chaotic, unorganized, and dangerous environment. This will not promote learning; the last thing we should teach our students is survival for they are endangered. We should let them learn in an environment that will allow their minds to freely flow their thoughts, their actions are not judged, and they will be guided. 

10. Self-reflect and Feedback

    As teachers we are not perfect; we go through lengths of planning and actions to ensure that our target will be hit by our students to promote good results. But sometimes we can get stuck or cluttered with negativity that we cannot reach our overall potential as an educator. We always put our students first, but again you cannot herd sheep to their path if the shepherd is not well. Self-reflect and get feedback, with this you can know what would work and what you need to remove in terms of learning.

    At the end of the day, we can only do our best as educators to motivate our students. It might be difficult but we can find a way. Motivation is important it is a mindset, an outside force, our inclination, our drive, and our goal to do better. Motivation is within, we cannot motivate anybody if we also fail to motivate ourselves. To find your inner motivation and spread it.

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