
Getting Positive Results: Work Productively

    In any line of industry, the main goals are to contribute and gain results. The same thing goes in the education field; our productivity should reflect on how well our students are. They need to learn and apply it to real-life situations.

    Productivity is something every employee should learn in the course of their career. It is very crucial to ensure that we get the result we want to progress. But not all the time we are allowed to gain the spirit of productivity. I know this for based on my general experience I sometimes feel demotivated, unenergetic, and just under the blue to work.

Here are some ways to promote a productive mindset.

1. Strategies within

    Planning, Organizing, and Setting are easy if you have the right mindset. That relates to our ability to set ourselves to the idea, that we are going to work today and we are expecting results. Besides strategizing, have an inner monologue first. Try to tell yourself that you will be working, you will be productive, and you will get results.

2. Actually do work

    No matter how much you plan or strategize, you cannot get positive results if you will not do the work. So make it into reality by actually doing work, and avoiding procrastination. Work on things that are urgent and have actually a deadline to finish, followed by working on things with a long-term commitment. Being productive doesn't mean working hard, but rather you work and get an actual result.

3. Plan not to panic

    Panic is the last thing you need, avoid this at all costs. You will be able to work properly and have a good mindset if panic eats your desire to be productive. In this sense, I recommend that if you are already in a panic, you should step away and regroup your thoughts. Ensure you do not indulge in negative. having a positive mindset is hard to achieve if you have a constant panic.

4. Routine over Distraction
    Productivity also relates to your routine. Getting motivated to be productive is something that you should also place in your routine. This allows you to be in focus and gain positive results in your work. Determining what type of productive person you are will help you have a sense of idea regarding your productivity level, your limits, and your gains. Using a planner, calendar, or sticky notes is nothing new, a constant part of being productive is reminding yourself that it is part of your routine.

5. Single-task vs Multi-task

        Let's place a fine line, between working on tasks. Doing a single task versus a multi-task is different from one another. Completing a singular task that will make an impact on your overall work is not a small thing. While working on multiple tasks can be difficult it doesn't mean it is not productive. It is the manner of tasks you are working on, consider your options first before diving into work. The important aspect is you gain results out of the tasks you have done whether it is individual or cumulative.

6. Declutter and rest

    After a long day of work, it is important to declutter and rest. Never exhaust yourself, for it will lead to stress, burn-outs, and nothing done at all. Moving away to avoid getting overwhelmed is also important, being productive doesn't mean working beyond your limits or the working period. It is all about getting the right results, being progressive, and completing. The sense of satisfaction knowing you are working base on your ability, effort, time, and importance is rewarding. 

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