
Supportive: Parents Role in Online Classes

     There is a saying "Our first teachers, are our parents", which I truly believe and stand as a philosophy. Our human virtues, beliefs, and upbringing are all the first learning we receive from our parents.  In these trying times; the pandemic brings out a different side of humanity. Our approach to learning chances and parents also went under a change.

    The era of online classes will not be gone anytime soon. Parental support also changes; children and parent relationships become more dynamic and fluid, parents also establish a deeper relationship with the community, school, and society as a whole. The diversity of learning modes has allowed parents to be more involved in the learning of their children, which has been difficult for everyone.

Finding a parenting style that suits the current situation, involves a lot of planning and patience. Parents need to adapt to the overall changes in society, as their children grow in a world where the pandemic will be a constant part of life.

Parental Standard

    Parenting was never easy. No man or woman that is married will tell you that they know what are they doing. There is even no manual to follow, it really is a big YOLO moment (You Only Live Once). Whether it is homeschooling, hybrid learning, or online class. Parents should be in charge, the demand for a conducive environment, accessibility to materials, and reinforcement all fall in the hands of parents. By design, parents need to establish a standard and rules to follow to ensure that even in the event of a pandemic their children are educated.

Parental Care

    Above all else; caring, loving, and understanding is the key to learning. As teachers, we go out our way to care for children who are not our own; as parents taking an interest in your children should be the foundation of learning. Nurturing young minds should be a priority, learning and teaching should be a choice both parents and children choose to do.

Parental Empowerment

    Respect is needed, any form of relationship understanding each other is crucial to human betterment. The same goes for nurturing children; they might be younger in age but they understand. Parents should help their children reinforce the importance of education in these trying times. It is a challenging task but, through parental guidance, we can let a child feel that the world is moving forward and we need to move a swell.

    Regardless of the situation, parents play a major role in the overall education of their children. The ability to nature and nurture is within every human being; ensuring that the future generation are guided and well-though on the future they will inherit is the best thing we can do. Supporting them is our major goal in education.

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