
SELF-LEARNING: Skills and Learnings you might not learn inside the classroom

    Life is very mysterious. From the moment we are conceived and to the moment that we grow up our entire existence as human being is still very mysterious. We learn, understand, and adapt to our entire being; no matter how influential our heritage, culture, environment, or self is we are living basically on our own accord and circumstances.

    Education is no different; many individuals have their own reasons and resolve why they choose to attend a school or not. As an educator, I will be honest and tell everyone frankly you do not learn everything in school. I actually learn that the hard way; I studied education to become a teacher;  I thought to myself,  this is relatively easy.  I just enter the classroom, teach English to random students, and was done. But it was not like that; I was unaware that I will be on a constant turn, as I navigate my way to teach. As I begin my teaching journey; I decided to be honest with my student and told them that real life is not what they think, that what they learn in school is only a fraction of what they will be expecting.

    Literary it is expectation versus reality notion; so here are some life skills and learnings you will not study inside the classroom; and is considered real life. 

Disclaimer: This post is for entertainment purposes only. The contents of these blogs are based on my personal experience and research. Please do not come for me.

1. Conversation

    Okay, you might say, "But conversing is part of everyday activity in the classroom". Yes! You are absolutely right but, in the real-life aspect conversing with people is different. The conversation has its own social norms and structure that you need to experience before you master. The reality of conversing is that the status quo has a very high presence in the way we interact with people. Let me provide you an example: Suppose you will be talking to your boss or your manager, showing manners will be your priority but once you open your mouth and start a conversation it is totally different. It is not taught in school what words to use when conversing with these types of people. Yes! You know the formal and informal words to use but actually, apply them in a real-life conversation difference. This is a skill you will learn in the long run and not taught in school. 

2. Manners

    It is a matter of lifestyle and upbringing. No matter how educated you are if you lack basic human manners, I am sorry there is no chance for you. I know saying this is a bit harsh but believe me; even the education system has a lesson about "values formation" or "good manners and right conduct" if you cannot apply it, the concept you know is useless. Manners is a skill you are supposed to have from your early ages of life; it is ultimately transformed into a mastered and innate ability once you apply it in real life, and limitations. Manners take time to master, you need to grow another set of heart and conscience to apply proper manners.

3. Dating/Relationship Building

    In school we do build relationships; some of us do end up finding long-time or long-term friendships or love. But! The procedure or process how to build this relationship has no lesson or manual. Forming a connection with another human being is within our human ability; as the saying goes "No Man is an Island" so we do naturally crave connection. In school values like sharing, sportsmanship or giving are conceptualized but applying it to real-life differences. I mean, it is literary up to you and your expectation on how to form, handle and sustain the relationship. The last thing you will be hearing from this blog is a piece of love advice, but rather the reality that you need to experience the pros and cons of a relationship to better understand it.

4. Accepting Failures

    The most difficult part of education is the burning expectation of your parents/guardians that you will pass and be excellent in everything that you do. Take it from me, failures do happen. It might not happen to you right now, but it will happen. Accepting failure is difficult no flowery words can explain a person's inner self once they found out that they fail. In school, learning to accept failure is not taught, pardon to burst anybody's bubble. As educators, we can be honest and provide solutions to your failing grade, but that situation does not translate to real life. As a matter of truth, there is no fine line between success and failing. It is either you succeed or not. But again resilience and adaptability are human curses; you can do different ways to accept failure, learn from it, but never give up. This is something all of us need to learn the hard way. 

5. Self-Management

    Love yourself, that is the best advice I can give as a human being. As an educator; believe me, no school will teach you how to care for yourself. Yes! There is a lesson about health care, diet, and hygiene but it only covers the surface of self-management. At this point, I can assure you that even  I, a person who lived and experienced a lot of things. I still am exploring how to care for and manage myself. Then again at least in school your teacher can be honest and tell you if you're doing the bare minimum of care to yourself.

6. Finding a Job

    We are now on the last part, finding a job. After learning all of that subject, finishing a degree and all. Believe me when I say finding a job is a lonely journey. There is no manual to life is finding a job; you can just take it from me. I have been teaching for eight years, I left the industry, landed a position in a corporate company, left basically jobless, and now a freelancer, blogger, and writer. Opportunity can come and go; some of us makes opportunities. Do not worry, finding a job might be difficult but it doesn't mean you will not find it. With the right amount of experience, background, and a little luck job hunting will eventually turn around. 

    As education is rapidly changing, I truly believe that education is a stepping stone for everyone who is aspiring for more in life. No matter the journey we take or the path we choose, it is up to us to learn, adapt, and be ourselves. Learning doesn't end inside the classroom, it is up to us to comprehend how life works. Let failures be tools of learning, let experience be a guide to decision making, and cherish success no matter how big or small it is. 

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