
Philippine Edition: Public or Private School

    Learning is an experience. That is what I believe as an educator. The world is too big for a student to be encapsulated inside the four walls of a classroom; learning through experience and by experience is still the best teacher in the world. No amount of note-taking or lectures can take away the lessons of life once we experience it.

    As an educator for eight years, I have seen and heard a lot of stories and experiences regarding the differences and similarities between public and private schools. I believe stories that come from co-teachers, administrators, and students are detailed enough to be talked about. I do not claim to be an expert on this. Believe me, the last thing I want to do is proclaim myself as a know-it-all. If you've been following me since the beginning of my blog, you'll know that my eight years of teaching have been spent in private schools or institutions. as a person full of curiosity, I did my research and I believe I have enough information to provide a set of differences and similarities you could find in a public and private school.

Disclaimer: This post is for entertainment purposes only. I do not claim to be an expert on anything. All the details in this post are based on research and my general opinion on the topic. Read what resonates and leave if you are uninterested. Spread love and not hate.





Private schools tend to work around decision-making with the school board's approval.

Public schools follow the law-mandated standards and curriculum set by the government.


Some private schools do entertain teacher applicants who are unlicensed and with little background experience in teaching. (Not all; this is based on my experiences.)

Automatic, public schools have more strict compliance. You must have all the mandated government requirements to be considered for the role.


Just like any other private establishment, private school funding comes from a variety of sources. like tuition fees, sponsorship, partnerships, and more.

Public schools, on the other hand, offer free tuition fees to students. The majority of its funding comes from the taxes and allotted budgets set by the government.

Class Size

It depends on the target number of students enrolled in a class. Some intimate or small institutions can have a one-on-one class session depending on what type of education it caters to.

As public schools offer free education for all, accepting students' enrollment differs from private schools. I am a product of studying in a public school, where class sizes are often 30–50 students in a classroom.

School Calendar

Private schools have the liberty to set their own school calendar. Here in the Philippines, some famous schools and universities offer trimester classes, advanced classes, and summer classes as part of their calendar.

Public schools follow a school calendar coming from their district office.

Grading system

Private schools have the liberty to modify and set their own grading system. This greatly affects the type of learning they can offer. 

Public schools follow a specific grading system set by the government. There is no fine line. So students are aware of what grades they will get.

Curriculum (K2 + 12)

As per the mandated law of K2+12 here in the Philippines, Private school But they are given at least the responsibility to modify or create a curriculum that suits their school's focus. As long as the mandated law will not be removed but rather incorporated into the school curriculum developed, it is fine.

Through the line, public schools need to follow the K2+12 curriculum.


Private schools can be affiliated with any different institution as long as the target of education is met. Here in the Philippines, we have a lot of religious schools.

Public schools, on the other hand, are an exclusive government-related affiliation.  Everything is related to the government.

Community Life

Private schools have more seclusion. Students get to interact with students that the school has. 

Public schools have a larger pool of people to interact with. As communities have a physical presence in these types of schools, students get  a chance to interact. 

    One of the most important aspects of any human life is education. No matter how you acquire your knowledge or where you acquire it, What you know and are willing to know will help you survive. Whether you decide to go to a public or private school, or any other form that offers education, is up to you. Education is a previlage. No amount of human capacity or state should stop us, as this is one of our rights.

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