
Starting 2022 Right!

Hello to everyone!

    Some of you might be wondering, what happened to me or to my blog website;  or maybe none of you cared literarily. 2021 was a crazy year! It was one of the most stressful years of my life. I had a love-hate relationship with my situation last year, and I think it is only proper to talk and share about it.

Please seat back and indulge in a summary of my 2021:

    2021 started with me being optimistic, I have a full-time job as teacher support for an English Online Company (which will remain unnamed, for privacy purposes). The journey was well, I am great with what I am doing. Until September arrived; due to the pandemic's effect on the economy. My previous company had to laid-off employees to financially sustain the company and recover from financial loss. In a very unlucky moment, I was part of my previous company's retrenchment program. Do not get me wrong, my company treated me well up until the very end. I was given a fair amount of compensation and enough time to land a new job. I thought I was doing fine, I thought it was nothing. Unfortunately, my thoughts are wrong.

    I went into in-depth self-pity and self-questioning. "Why is this happening to me?" I came to a point where I even ask if why am I even existing. I always have this deep thought in my mind since I started working, that I do not like what I am doing. It was never fun or productive; the only driving force I have to keep on going was the thought of supporting myself. My family never obligated me to help financially, but the idea that one day I need to live on my own and be independent scared me to the point that my goal for working was to earn money. It was never been to stay loyal to an employer or to get promoted. The idea was always I need to get work, get paid, and think of my future. This hunts me for more than ten years, to the point I failed over and over again. Until I decided to stop and rest; at this point, my mental in life was not good. The only thing that saved me, was my love for writing and the love of my family.

    My sister told me to stop, and rather than think about things I cannot predict. She told me to focus on things I am good at. That moment saves me, writing stories and creating learning materials is what I like and love. That is what I am good at, it might not be your traditional white-collar occupation or giving out a six or eight-figure salary. But at least it reflected me, it is mine. That is why I decided to resign from my current work and pursue my lifelong dream.

    Being an author or creator is never easy but at least I know I am enjoying life. I know my worth and I am ready to face the world. I decided to start 2022, with life revolving around healing and growth.  I want 2022, be the year I will make all my dreams come true. It might be baby steps, but I know it is mine. I am sharing this to be a source of inspiration to everyone, do not waste your time regretting it, life is short. We need to experience life the way we want to experience it.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful start to 2022. Always stay safe and healthy.